Tidbits on software development, technology, and other geeky stuff

10 Reasons to Blog

I have been blogging for just over 8 years and recently thought about why I continue to blog. It’s entirely by choice, after all, but I keep doing it and here are 10 reasons, in no particular order, why:

  1. Help others - you get to help others learn the things you’ve learned. It feels good to share with others and help them along
  2. Help your future self - your blog is a great place to post things you want to reference yourself in the future
  3. Practice communicating - blogging exercises your writing and communication skills so you’ll get better at those
  4. Enhance career opportunities - maintaining a blog a is a great way to impress prospective employers by demonstrating expertise and passion
  5. Have fun tweaking - I find it fun to maintain a blogging platform (tweaking this or that, moving to another platform, setting up tooling or scripts)
  6. Understand better - you understand things better when you teach them to others through a blog
  7. Learn new things - whether it is doing some digging to support part of a post, researching what others have posted on a subject, or asking others for help to prepare for a post, you learn new things along the way
  8. Build community - when people leave a comment or engage through another syndicated platform you can build community and make friends
  9. Own your content - blogging, as opposed to posting content on other social sites, allows you to centralize and own your own content
  10. Learn from others - soliciting feedback on a blog allows you to learn from others