Tidbits on software development, technology, and other geeky stuff

Joining YNAB

A few months ago, I was catching up on new articles in Feedly and stumbled across a developer job posting at YouNeedABudget.com.  Go read that job posting because it is one of the best I’ve ever seen, and believe me when I say I’ve read a lot of job postings! It’s hard not to be interested in a job after reading a description like that.  Besides all the fridge benefits of working for YNAB (5 weeks vacation, annual meet-up, 401k, working remotely, very flexible schedule, etc.) the role itself sounded like a perfect fit for me.  Working on a SaaS web budgeting application, working with a stack I have grown to love in recent years (Ruby/Rails/Postgres/JavaScript), getting to help with interesting architectural challenges and getting to do some some DevOps work once in awhile.  Also, I have used the YNAB product in the past and knew very well it was of top-notch quality.  Did I mention I’m a budgeting junkie?  As I read through the description I kept thinking, “I want this job”.

So, I applied!

Not surprisingly, they had a lot of interest.  They have a passionate user base and are smart about how they market opportunities to join their team so I had sit back and wait a bit while they sorted through all the applications.  I didn’t realize it but there were to be 9 rounds (9!) of interviews so patience was my friend during the wait.  It was a straightforward, friendly interview process, however. Most of the rounds consisted of casual chats with different members of the team and as the process progressed, there was more technical assessment involved.  Each step along the way confirmed this was a good fit from my side and I continued to hope the feeling was mutual.

So, I got the job!

I was thrilled when I got the news because I really did want to join the YNAB team.  They have a super sharp team in place that I wanted to be a part of; to grow, learn and employ my experience on an application that changes lives and saves marriages.  YNAB is going places and I want to be on the ride!

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