Tidbits on software development, technology, and other geeky stuff

GitHub Universe 2017

This past week, I had the opportunity to attend GitHub Universe 2017. YNAB graciously allowed me to take off from work and attend. I was really excited about going because it had been awhile since I’d been to a development conference and I had heard good things about Universe.

One of the nice things about going to a conference is being able to get an implicit pulse on the latest dev trends from real people, not just frontpage Hacker News posts. Without a doubt, these topics were being talked about consistently:

In particular, AI and Machine Learning is hot!


There were many sessions covering a wide variety of topics. Some were more technical and others addressed more soft tech skills. A few of the sessions I found interesting were:


I really enjoyed getting to meet all sorts of friendly people who are spread all over, working on interesting challenges. I liked picking their brains a bit about the tools they were using and how they were solving their problems. I felt like I was getting out of my bubble a bit and having the opportunity to look at things from a fresh perspective. I met people from GitHub (of course), Microsoft, Weebly, Amazon Web Services, IBM, Credit Karma, Shopify, Heroku, TravisCI, CircleCI and more.

In particular, I ran into Michael Imms and Rob Lourens who work on VSCode at Microsoft. I shook their hands and thanked them for the great work. They were very open to feedback and appreciated me talking about how I use VSCode, particularly for debugging TypeScript. While I was talking with them, Zeke Sikelianos from the Electron team walked up they were doing some real-time collaboration which was fun to witness firsthand. Michael was telling Zeke there was a bug they were running into that was preventing them from bumping the Electron version. Cool to observe!


I knew people loved YNAB but I was surprised with how many people saw my shirt and came up to say something like “You work at YNAB? … I love YNAB!”. So, I changed my clothing plan and kept wearing my YNAB t-shirt every day of of the conference! When I was dfirst checking in, a GitHubber told me they were just passing our link around and talking about us the week before. It make me feel proud to work at YNAB and be a small part of taking stress out of people’s lives. It’s pretty cool to have random people approach you and say they love the company and product you work for.

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